Please use the following links to download the most recent Pupil Premium information.
Pupil Premium Strategy-2021-24
At this school and across schools nationally, the period from mid-March 2020 until the end of the academic year has been dominated by the outbreak of COVID-19. The much reduced opening of mainstream schools in March, followed by the wider opening of schools from 1st June 2020, has had a significant impact on the ability to implement many of the actions and strategies outlined in the Pupil Premium Strategy covering the period 2019-2020
Consequently, it has not been possible to thoroughly evaluate all planned strategies. However, where possible, a review has taken place and provision adapted to support our most disadvantaged pupils and their families.
Across Astrea Academy Trust, we have continued to strive to address any barriers faced by pupils who experience social disadvantage, including additional issues faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. The evidence-informed approaches we adopt across the Trust are rooted in tacking disadvantage in the classroom through supporting quality first teaching, targeted approaches/interventions and in relation to supporting wider pupil level issues such as attendance. All of which are in line with the EEF Guide to the Pupil Premium.
Many of the pupil premium chosen approaches are longer term and it will be necessary and desirable for leaders to continue some of the planned 2019-20 actions into the 2020-21 academic year and beyond. This is in line with the EEF guidance on Putting Evidence to Work – A School’s Guide to Implementation which states that interventions need to be implemented effectively and over time, allowing for new activities to be embedded and evaluated to create sustainable positive outcomes for disadvantaged learners.